Friday, December 25, 2009

ho ho ho

May your holidays be warm and restful!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Interning is like dating a career. That said, I'm not sure if miniature making is the "love of my life" career. It seems to be more like a "eh... I could live with this" career - enjoyable, but that industry tends towards a certain kind of stress that could really get under my skin in the long run. Sooo... we'll see.

In other news: I have an interview tomorrow at the La Habra Children's Museum! It's not an amazing job pay-wise, but that's what I get for interviewing for a non-profit. On the same note, this job definitely appeals to me because of the work it does for the community (as non-profits tend to do). The museum encourages kids to be curious and explore the world around them.

Curiosity and exploration... that's where art starts, if you ask me.

Friday, December 4, 2009

oranges 2.0

Making marvelous movie miniatures is, indeed, marvelous. So far, I've sanded off the flashing from lots and lots of casted miniature railings. This was described by one of the guys as a "shit job" to be stuck with, but I didn't mind. Also, I now know how to cast with urethane resin! Woohoo! Oh, "flashing", by the way, is the material that seeps out along the seems of a mold and dries.

In other news, remember that pile of oranges? Well, after adding big bowl of sugar:

...and cooking for a while.

VoilĂ ! Orange Marmalade!

Now I need some english muffins. Mmmmm....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

finding gravity

"My dad died earlier this month."

It's surreal to acknowledge that as a fact.

...beyond surreal.

My life, for these past few months, was ordered by my family's life, like a planet in a neat orbit amid some larger system. I had a clear role that I was happy and proud to assume: to help my dad feel more comfortable, and to help my mom take care of things around the house.

But what held that system in place is gone.

........I am suspended

.............................. .without......... the guiding pull

..................... ................ ..of gravity

..... ................. .to orient, order.

...................................I float

................until I feel

....that securing force

draw me towards the solid ground

and, grounded, find my home again.